2024 has been a very busy year for the St John’s Society. We wanted to let you know what we’ve been up to, what we’ve achieved and what our plans for the future are. Please do join our next committee meeting in September to join us, listen in and learn more about these and other projects we’re undertaking. So, without further ado, here’s Your Year to Date St John’s Society Update.
The BIG St John’s Street Survey. We plan to conduct a survey of the area which is to be rolled out later this year and to be further communicated at the next committee meeting and here on the website. It will cover a survey of existing trees and green spaces and invite ideas from the neighbourhood on what issues you face, ideas you might have and any other thoughts s we can better plan projects and communicate with the local authorities. Watch out for this initiative via our website and social media where a community consultation questionnaire will be made available.
Five new street trees to be planted across St Johns in Sept/Oct through Street Trees for Living. Locations to be communicated.
St Johns Garden has been planted up with flowers and trees that have been donated. If you have or know someone that has a shrub that needs a new home, then get it into the Garden. We are also looking for green fingered locals that might like to get involved with gardening and watering of plants during the summer months.
We are supporting and are actively involved in ‘guerrilla’ planting at various locations on our streets which we should drive further forwards where we can. See pictures below.
The Thornville Rain Garden won a National Sustainable Drainage (SuDS) award. This was a St John’s Society project with funding and assistance from Thames Water and Lewisham.
We continue to undertake periodic maintenance and weeding at the Thornville Rain Garden. If you would like to get involved with our merry bunch of gardeners, then reach out. It really is looking great and thriving in these summer months! See photos below.
We are working on establishing a St Johns Tree Forum and working with the Council on this. Hopefully, an update will be available for our September meeting. This is to ensure that as a community we are aware of tree felling and pruning activities ahead of when it happens and clear reasons as to why.
The land adjacent to St Johns Station is under review to become a potential mini nature reserve. Site visit with Network Rail conducted with next steps to ascertain what is possible in terms of design and planting possibilities.

Fly Tipping & Waste
Earlier in the year we applied for additional bins within St Johns, these still need to be confirmed and discussions are ongoing with the Council.
We are promoting the ‘Love Clean Streets’ app. The more people that raise observations the quicker waste is removed and our streets kept nice and tidy.
Litter picks have been a huge success and the next will be on 18th Aug. Come along and this month this will be integrated with the Rain Garden maintenance day.
We received confirmation that SJS are officially recognised as an Amenity Society in Lewisham and are once again official consultees for the Brookmill Road and St John’s conservation areas.
We also received the excellent news that the two conservation areas are next in line for updated local policy and new Character Appraisals are to be written for both Brookmill Road and St John’s. We are currently awaiting an update from Lewisham Council on this process which should be underway soon. Once the external consultants have been selected and in place, then a joint walkabout will be undertaken with the local councillors, planners and all other stakeholders to kickstart the policy review.
The planning team continue to review and comment on planning applications. We are always happy to review and give advice on any plans before an actual application is made.
Transport (Traffic, Road Safety, Pavements and Accessibility)
We have initiated a members group (in its early stages of development, for a review of the St Johns Station Access (lead by Stephen Penfold). This involves associated Community Groups with interests in the use of St Johns Station. The first official meeting is planned for mid-August. Further updates will be provided following this.
Numerous meetings held with Lewisham Highways and walkabouts with residents. This resulted in traffic tubes and further assessments from the Council in regard to traffic / traffic calming within St Johns. Darren Gotch presented an update at the last Green Conversations and further information will be formally communicated in Sept/Oct on what plans are in store.
Arts and Culture
Thornville Road mural under concept design and to be followed up with Network Rail for taking forwards / funding.
Another mural is also planned for the wall just outside St John’s Station.
Funding / Events
The St John’s Society are reviewing ways to fundraise, if you have ideas or are interested in donating then please do speak to us.
The Green Conversations held at the Brookmill Pub have been an outstanding success (well done to all involved). Two left to do in 2024 (October and November) and then 2025 series to be confirmed and communicated.
A lot of hard work went into the planning of the Picnic in the Park event but unfortunately this had to be called off due to the weather. We may hold a small event later in the year to make up for it, but nevertheless, we will be back bigger and better than ever next year!
The annual Front Garden Sale in collaboration with the Brockley Society is planned for the weekend of 7th/8th September. More details to be announced soon.
We are going to hold the inaugural St John’s BIG Christmas Raffle. Details to be announced nearer the time!
Working with other Societies
We are proud to announce the successful creation of the Brookmill Road Local Nature Reserve who now have their own Constitution established and have just been awarded funds to kick start them. Exciting times ahead.
The Friends of Friendly Gardens have submitted their park plan/costings to Lewisham Council for major upgrades and improvements across the park. This will be an incredible initiative / game changer if this gets the go ahead.
We are supporting The Friends of Brookmill Park with the design of a pond access platform.
And Another Thing (or two)
Please feel free to submit ideas so that we can ensure we are aligned with what you and other residents consider important.
We really need more people to join us to make this special part of London even more special. Please do get in touch if you’d like to join our ranks. YOUR COMMUNITY NEEDS YOU.
Email me (Paul) at chair@st-johns-soc.org