After a year and a half of applying for and securing funding, planning and designing the rain garden, the day finally arrived where we put the finishing touches to Thornville Street’s newest plot of greenery. Over 20 local residents volunteered their time on...
After more than a year of planning, funding and designing the Thornville Street rain garden, we are very exicted to announce a community planting event – this Saturday 28th October at 10:30am. Please join us as we plant up the newly constructed rain garden on...
Following our incredibly successful ‘Green Conversations’ last year, the latest series is due to kick off tomorow evening. Held in the upstairs in the function room at The Brookmill, we’ll begin the talks on Wednesday evenings at 8pm. We’re...
We’ve dusted off the SJS archives and uncovered the very first issues of the Update newsletter from as early as 1998, the year of the The St John’s Society’s formation. 25 years later many of the issues the area faces are still the same: train...