Bikes & Biodiversities

Bikes & Biodiversities

This article is an opinion piece by committee member Professor John Wood and a foretaste of an evening of talks and discussion – Bikes & Biodiversities, A St John’s Society Green Conversation Event, 28th October 2024.  Tickets available here. Why do we...
Your 2024 Year to Date SJS Update

Your 2024 Year to Date SJS Update

2024 has been a very busy year for the St John’s Society.  We wanted to let you know what we’ve been up to, what we’ve achieved and what our plans for the future are.  Please do join our next committee meeting in September to join us, listen in and learn more about...
Local Traffic Update from Darren Gotch, Lewisham Highways

Local Traffic Update from Darren Gotch, Lewisham Highways

Darren Gotch, Principal Engineer for Highways and Transport at Lewisham Council joined us last Monday when we held the fifth of our latest series of Green Conversations upstairs at The Brookmill pub.  The theme of the evening was ‘mobility’.  Darren fielded a number...
Green Conversations Recordings

Green Conversations Recordings

The Green Conversations talks held upstairs at the Brookmill is now into its third series and going from strength to strength!  We’re learning loads about a wide range of issues and solutions to many facets of the climate and biodiversity emergency and meeting...
One week ’til Picnic in the Park!

One week ’til Picnic in the Park!

Get ready for an unforgettable annual picnic at the park! Live music, dancing, face painting, a kids disco, and an exciting animal parade by Arthouse await you. Indulge in delicious BBQ, ice cream, and cake from the park vendors. Explore the plant stall, enjoy games,...
Rain Garden Wins Award

Rain Garden Wins Award

The St John’s Society Greening Team were thrilled to bits to learn that we’d won the ‘Community SuDS’ award at the susdrain SuDS Awards 2024, held in Cardiff yesterday.   Since 2018, susdrain has been celebrating outstanding Sustainable Drainage System projects all...