On April 17th BYO black bag and come help us clear up parts of St Johns that have become litter-filled so we can enjoy the great outdoors this summer.
Please only come if you can take your black bag home to your own bin (or share with a neighbour) as there are no public bins big enough and the foxes will open any bags left out.
The plan is:
10am – Meet in the car park area outside St Johns station
11am – Meet in Brookmill park (by the green hut). Only people with gloves and sanitiser able to take part in this part of the clean up.
12am – Meet in Friendly Gardens (by the big hanging swing)
1pm – Retire for a well-earned glass of something in one of our newly reopened pubs!
– This is not a St Johns Society official event, there is no insurance in place. Individuals take responsibility for their own safety and that of their families.
– Please use your own loos
– Children under 15 to be supervised by a parent
– For safety you may want to wear gloves and perhaps buy a litter picker. These seemed to be recyclable so on the sustainability scale somewhere! https://www.hhenvironmental.co.uk/product…/litterpickers/
– Please stay socially-distanced and if you cannot please wear a mask.
Go a step further and Pledge to Pick here as part of the UK-wide Keep Britain Tidy Spring Clean – https://www.keepbritaintidy.org/…/great-british-spring…
Please do get in touch with any questions or suggestions of locations we need to focus on.
And a HUGE thank you in advance.