We were delighted to have Deptford X find not one, not two, not three, not four but five artistic hotspots to feature local artists in St Johns.
Top of our list was The Bridge Project by Albyn road resident Alma Tischlerwood. She also designed our very popular St Johns bridge sign opposite, brightening up the area throughout lockdown in a way that has brought thousands of smiles to faces of passers by.
And our St Johns Garden became a gallery for a fortnight.
Then there was the Set the Table collective who bought us three different events. One, a contemplation on the value of fruit and poetry by Maria Joranko. Another a zine by Navi Kaur. And then the event of the week has to go to Stone Soup by Katie Sturridge. Did you remember to bring your own ingredient? All very thought provoking.
Cannot wait to see what crops up across our hood next year.