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Green Conversations – January 2025, The Energy Commons

20 January @ 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm


The Energy Commons

Q: How do you envisage the future?:

a) as healthier, fairer, local lifestyles?
b) increasingly unaffordable housing and energy bills?

At present the global energy markets and financial industries shape our lives. We are hostages to price-hikes and changes in government policy. Imagine that your local community was self-sufficient in off-grid clean power….would you prefer to sell energy surpluses to the government, or to set up local trading partnerships with neighbours? This event will explore possible synergies between energy and money.

Our special guests from ISLAND POWER will explain their radical business models that can put communities into the driving seat. Whether you want to learn more about currency systems, renewable energy or innovative legal frameworks our special GREEN CONVERSATIONS event at the Brookmill will engage and fascinate you.

Island Power Solutions develops tailor-made solutions for off-grid systems combining green energy production and storage. They work with partners and local communities to help islands to use their own resources to generate cleaner and reliable energy. What makes them global pioneers is their revolutionary legal framework and business structure that puts community before shareholders or managers. Once their approach is vindicated by heir radical framework could inspire a new paradigm in which energy is the prime currency. National economies are sometimes hide-bound by legal orthodoxies and outmoded assumptions, Island Power is bench testing its innovative products in tiny economies eager for sensible innovation.


20 January
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm


The St John’s Society
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The Brookmill
65 Cranbrook Rd
London, SE8 4EJ United Kingdom
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