Constitution of the St John’s Society


  1. Name

The name of the Society shall be St John’s Society

  1. Primary Aim

To improve the quality of life for people living within St Johns

  1. Objectives
  1. a) to promote a sense of community b) to maintain and promote the status of

the conservation areas relevant to the St John’s area for the benefit of its residents

  1. c) to improve the amenities in the St John’s area for all age groups and be involved in their management on a long term basis
  2. d) to improve the security and safety of residents within the area
  3. e) the St John’s Society is a non-profit making organisation with the remit to seek and receive funds for the purpose of achieving the above objectives
  1. Strategy
  1. a) to act as a co-ordinating body between the community, the local authority, the utilities and other agencies that the Society may have need to deal with to achieve the above objectives
  2. b) to hold regular meetings and encourage the community to be involved
  3. c) to call Special Meetings to canvass local opinion and to provide up-to-date information on developments which affect the area
  4. d) to act as a pressure group to improve and develop parks, recreational areas and other open spaces within the St John’s area
  5. e) to develop a programme of traffic calming in accordance with the aims of the Society
  6. f) to act as an agent for information relating to St Johns and its neighbouring areas through a regular newsletter

All residents of the area are considered to be members of the Society and are encouraged to be involved in its activities

  1. Membership 

All residents of the St John’s Conservation area will be deemed to be members

  1. Meetings
  1. a) an Annual General Meeting shall be held each year to receive the Annual Report and Audited Accounts, and to elect Officers and members of the committee
  2. b) meetings shall be held at regular intervals
  3. c) notice for all meetings shall be provided to all residents at least 14 days in advance
  4. d) Special Meetings can be called
  5. i) At the written request of members representing not less than 6 members of the Society
  6. ii) At the request of the committee in special circumstances
  • a quorum for the Annual General Meeting or Special Meetings shall be at least 6 members


  • a quorum for the committee shall be at least 3 members


  1. Organisation


  1. a) nominations for the election of the committee shall be made at least 14 days prior to the Annual General Meeting
  2. b) the committee shall be made up of:
  3. i) chairperson
  4. ii) secretary

iii) treasurer

  1. iv) newsletter editor
  2. v) four ordinary members
  • the committee will meet a minimum of three times a year
  1. Amendments

This Constitution may be amended by a two ­thirds majority of members present at the Annual General Meeting or a Special Meeting.